Engineered nano- and microparticles as next-generation fertilizers

Engineered nano- and microparticles as next-generation fertilizers - SEGES Projektsitet

The aim of SMART-P is to engineer next-generation fertilizers for foliar application of P in crop production. These fertilizers will be targeted specifically towards the early growth phase of cereals where seedlings are established, root growth initiated and tillers are formed. This phase is critically dependent on an adequate P availability. Recently, we discovered that even marginal P limitation in the seedling growth phase leads to an irreversible damage, and prevent cereals from reaching their full yield potential. This fundamental finding call for innovation and a paradigm shift, where the current agricultural practice is changed from the classical and inefficient soil P fertilization to efficient foliar P application. This approach will by-pass the soil processes preventing adequate P diffusion to seedlings.

The objectives are to:

1. Unravel the transport pathways for P across the leaf into the photosynthetically active tissue.
2. Utilize this information to design NMP’s that allow foliar application of P to meet the immediate requirements of plants (days) and to ensure prolonged efficacy (weeks) driven by the physiological requirements of the crops.
3. Design NMP’s that allow deposition >5 kg P/ha without leaf damages (scorching).
4. Develop a concept, using a newly developed P sensor technology, where plants are fertilized with foliar P according to their physiological demand.

At project termination we will deliver foliar P fertilizers with unique properties for efficient leaf P uptake without scorching, and the invention will be ready for upscaling to industrial production and market introduction.

Et større britisk forskningsprojekt har undersøgt muligheder for mere målrettede og effektive metoder til fosforgødskning. Herunder bl.a. bladgødskning, frøcoatning med fosfor, inokulering med bakterier og anvendelse af struvit.
I projektet Smart-P, der gennemføres af Københavns Universitet og Flex Fertilizer i samarbejde med SEGES og er støtter af Innovationsfonden, har SEGES i 2018 afprøvet Fosfortesteren.

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